Strong community groups are so very important because they are an important source of social connection and a real sense of connection and belonging. We have so many community groups here at Cill Barra that are bonded by the same values as ourselves. Community is so important for everyone and as a community sports hall and gym we love to see new communities join us or take an interest in what we do. We are here to help support groups and they support us too.

A community is group of people with something in common. That could be family, geography, faith, ability, minority groups, life stage (age), an interest, a passion, a profession, and a lot more. This group of people come together as a community and work hard to enrich the lives of its members, and the surrounding community too.

Some of the community groups we work with here at Cill Barra are:

Active Retirement, Schools, Pre-Schools, Special Olympics Group, Traveller Men’s Project, Aisérí, National Learning Network, BRiLL Family Resource Centre, Retired Teachers, Youthreach, GAA clubs and so much more…

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